Blade Commenting Syntax (does NOT show up in outputted HTML as (HTML) will) {{-- This is a Laravel Comment --}} Layouts: Laravel provices out of the box MVC "welcome" view setup. Importing with procedural PHP: In the out of the box layout: "default.blade.php" @include('includes.head') In head, you can use the @yield directive to define things such as the page title and "description" (for SEO) content="@yield('description')" @yield('title') // CSS and JS files can also be pulled in more simply (which work globally) such as: // Good practice would note to load any JavaScript scripts you can into the bottom of the tag rather than in the portion but it would be very similar In content blade files such as one named "about.blade.php", like much of OOP Classes (Object Oriented Programming) you can "extand" the template: (as the first line in the template file) @extends('layouts.default') As layouts are only a folder, you could just as easily use @extends('') or ('layouts.contentpage') To fill earlier fields from the parent template that use the "@yield" directive, the @section directive is used @section('description', 'An about page describing the company and/or individual') @section('title', 'About') // Parameter one is the text that fits what is defined in the @yield() directive, the second parameter is the value/text to use for this instance using that @yield directive. // Content is included within the layouts body tag as @yield('content') (or any other name you or a programmer would choose) @section('content') starts this "main content area" of the blade file such as "About", "Home", anything. // You end this directive with the quite simple directive @stop